Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Account Suspended

So about 7 hours ago I received an email from Namecheap. Apparently we're using an excessive amount of resources, which caused the IT guys over there to pull the plug on STW. Now, STW might not be the most efficient website, but surely it's not eating up more CPU than your average PHP-based forum. It also amazes me how right now, after a long while of no updates and with less users online, we're using MORE resources than before.

Still having high hopes of this being a mistake, I replied to Namecheap's email. We'll have to see how it goes. I'm hoping we can get the website back soon. Perhaps I can even start optimizing some of the ol' STW code.

Pic related. It's our wonderful new homepage.


  1. It would probably take a long time to sort out.. But you could cut a LOT of code if you used an external CSS for each world.

  2. Wait.. or would it not because it's all on one file? I've only seen the Element119 setup...

  3. The CSS could be stored on a free remote host and be linked to from STW. But I don't think the CSS takes up that much space anyway.

    Plus, the problem is with server CPU usage, not drive space.

  4. So then Shino needs to optimize the MySQL Database..?

  5. I don't know how you can optimize a database...
    Probably just limit the information the server has to process?

  6. The problem was probably CPU usage, yes. (I guess I could start caching some stuff like the shoutbox and people's avatars to fix that.) I haven't received back from them what exactly went wrong, just a list of pages accessed when some resource violation occurred.

  7. If this is useful, STW was pretty much laggy/down everyday in the early morning. (Probably in the ballpark of 3-5?)

  8. (AM, EST of course)

  9. Yeah, I noticed the periodical lag too. Pages would take like 5 seconds to load. Perhaps other people are abusing resources, causing my scripts to go over the time limit? Who knows. The host (Namecheap) has been awfully silent, and replies to my emails are scarce. B<

  10. So... No more shoutbox? Or is this just temporary until things get worked out?

  11. Yes, definitely temporary! I love me some shoutbox.

  12. how about buying a server shino?
