Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Minor Downtime

I was shocked when I saw the server was offline this morning. I had been staring at the homepage not too long before that, and it worked fine. So naturally, being used to HostMDS, I freaked. I sent in a ticket right away.

4 minutes after that, I got a reply, and everything was working fine again! Did I mention I love Namecheap? I do. Very much.


  1. Hi, I'm form Argentina and I click on "following blog" and your blog appears on mi computer. I'd like to make new friends, so stay in contact !
    Sorry for my ugly english !

  2. Yo Shino, I think there was some downtime a few days ago... Or maybe it was my internet being screwy >.>

  3. Hm, I haven't been on a lot, so I probably didn't notice. I hope it doesn't happen too often! They seem to fix it really fast though.

  4. Hey hey hey hey heyyyyy....!

    HostMDS has been behaving lately. :P
