Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Return

[I planned on releasing the server past sunday... then the error showed up. It's fixed now though. Here's the message I would've posted (unedited):]

We're back!

» Click here «

What? A deadline I didn't miss? Well, not really... See, I figured I'd start converting the HTML output to the W3C standards while the servers were down. I only finished about half... I'll finish the rest during next week and update it then. Anyway, the game should run fine. It's just that only half of the pages use validated HTML, and the other half doesn't. The unvalidated pages may cause a few bugs, but nothing seriously crippling.

Something that I did finish is the new shoutbox. It now uses AJAX instead of a frame. I tested this in most popular browsers (IE7, FF3, GC). I'm not sure if it works in all browsers though. If it doesn't, send me a PM. Oh, and it doesn't work in IE5 (I tested that too), but that browser is 10 years old, so... meh. I also haven't tested Netscape. Is anyone still running that?

But yeah, I'm going to bed now. I hope nothing screws up while I sleep. Also, I'm surprised you're still reading this. THE SERVER IS BACK!


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